WebDB NC4.7 and IE5

From: Mohamed Ould <mould_at_darea.fr>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 22:50:55 +0100
Message-ID: <3831D1BF.5B8DD279_at_darea.fr>

[Quoted] Dear all,

Is anyone encouterd already the following error using NC or IE5: "A network error occured while Netscape was receiving data. (Network Error: Connection reset by peer)".

This occured for themajority of querry (select, update, etc.) on database
via WebDB, particularly for huge result. For IE5 the querry fails about 4 times on 5. For Netscape the failure problem
seems to be completly hazardous.

Any suggestions?

PS: I use Oracle 8.0.5 on Linuw/RH6 with WebDB2.0.5.

Thanks in advance

Ould Received on Tue Nov 16 1999 - 22:50:55 CET

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