
From: Andrew Longworth <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 14:17:30 +0200
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] [Quoted] If I have a table with 3 fields, emp_no, ref_no and request_date. I at one point enter data into emp_no and ref_no so the table looks like this :-

emp_no ref_no request_date

20              3
38              5

At at later date I want to search the table and find wich entries has no date attached to them.
I have tried queries such as
select * from table_1
where request_date='';
[Quoted] but no way I try can I get it to return the row's with a date. [Quoted] I also can not search for a certain date. Whatever date format I use, I either get no rows selected or an errror?? Is it possible to search by date?
Andy Received on Thu Oct 28 1999 - 14:17:30 CEST

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