Problems with ProC

From: Jorge Gamas <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 23:32:08 +0000
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Help me!!

I'm trying to compile a program in ProC v.2.2.4. The makefile section is:


   $(PROC) $(PROCPLSFLAGS) iname=pr_corre_cierre.pc    $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o pr_corre_cierre pr_corre_cierre.c

The precompilation is ok, it creates the .c source. The C compilation is done with the next instruction:

cc -c -O2 -std1 -DOSF1 -DA_OSF -Wf,-readonly_strings -D_INTRINSICS 

-I. -I/asimex/oracle/precomp/public -O2 -o pr_corre_cierre
-L/asimex/oracle/lib -s -o pr_corre_cierre pr_corre_cierre.c

and generates an executable, but it doesn´t works.

When I try to compile the file sample1.pc from the demo directory, using the "build" option of the, the c compiler tells that can't locate file for -lxa

The System is an Alpha Server 4000, with Digital Unix v.4.0, and Oracle 7.3.4

I hope you can help me, please.

Jorge Gamas
Arango Software Intl. Received on Thu Sep 30 1999 - 01:32:08 CEST

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