capture date stamp on create and update

From: Padmaja Raghavapudi <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:01:52 -0800
Message-ID: <LqWD3.128$664.49548_at_WReNphoon3>

Hi all,
I am trying to capture the create and update date stamps for all the tables in my database. I have "create" and
"modify" columns in all my tables. These need to be updated using forms (Developer 2000, Forms 5). When
a new record is created (and commited), the sysdate value needs to go into these "Create and "Modify"
columns of that table. If it is an existing record, the sysdate value needs to go into the "Modify" column only.
How do I do it ?
I have different base table blocks in my form. How can I ensure that the sysdate is written to each of the
underlying tables when the user inputs data into all the blocks and hits a save on the form ?

Any info (or code samples) is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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