Is is possible to tune this SQL statement?

From: Jimmy <>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 10:50:48 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Hello all,

[Quoted]     I create a view AAA joining 5 tables and the resulting rows is over [Quoted] [Quoted] 50000. I am doing query on AAA with the following SQL statements:

    select distinct(field) from AAA where condition...

    (View AAA has 50 columns, only the column with varchar2 data type is retrieved)

[Quoted]     The condition part is different each time. Is there any way to improve the above query time? If the fields to retrieve is only on two [Quoted] or three columns (each time one field is retrieved but the condition part is again different each time), can I built index on these columns [Quoted] (i.e. can I built index on view column)? Or is there other ways can improve the query time?

Jimmy Received on Sun Sep 12 1999 - 19:50:48 CEST

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