Urgent: SQL*Loader Question

From: <premal_shah_at_my-deja.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 10:06:43 GMT
Message-ID: <7nuhrh$vl3$1_at_nnrp1.deja.com>

Hi! Folks:

How do I get SQL*Loader to preserve my trailing and beginning whitepace for CHAR fields. I read the documentation and they mentioned using the PRESERVE BLANKS keyword in the control file when I am specifiying the FIELDS TERMINATED BY... line.

I tried that and SQL*Loader is giving me a syntax error.

Can you please give me a small example of a control file with this keyword? I saw the examples in the documentation and could not find anything.

We are running Oracle on Solaris 2.6.

Thanks a lot for your time and help.


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