WebDB on Netscape Enterprise and NetWare

From: David Rabsch <drabsch_at_palliser.ca>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:24:12 GMT
Message-ID: <376561dd.8832640_at_news.mts.net>

I'm having all kinds of problems getting webDB to work on my Intranet web server. At one point, every time I tried to access the webDB pages, the server would spontaneously restart itself without warning! I've followed the installation instructions to a tee, but I'm still having problems. Now I can't access any of the webDB pages. My server stays up, but the pages "contain no data". I do have different port numbers for each product, and set up the CGI and Images directories on the web server. Any ideas or experiences would be most appreciated.

I'm running Oracle 8.0.4 on NetWare 5, service pack 2, and the WebDB is version 2.0.

Thanks in advance Received on Mon Jun 14 1999 - 22:24:12 CEST

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