Simple forms 5.0 window problem

From: mikey <mdesouza_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:48:12 GMT
Message-ID: <7g6p1c$qb4$>

 Hi all

I am trying to get grips with forms 5.0 and therefore doing some examples from albert lulushi book

I am stuck on a simple problems

I got three window.. customer , movie and rental

when I start the application I get the customer screen which has push button which call the other windows rental and movie

the code for the when button pressed tigger is Open_window('MOVIE') which call the following procedure

PROCEDURE Open_Window (window_name VARCHAR2) IS

  window_id		WINDOW;
  Window_Not_Found	EXCEPTION;

  window_id := FIND_WINDOW(window_name);   IF ID_NULL(window_id) THEN
    RAISE Window_Not_Found;
  END IF;   SHOW_WINDOW(window_id);

  WHEN Window_Not_Found THEN
    MESSAGE('Window '||window_name||' does not exist.');     RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
    MESSAGE('Internal error occurred in Open_Window.');     RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
END Open_Window;

The problem is that I never lose focus on the customer window the movie window appears behing the customer window. It wont even close if I do the following close_window ('Customer')

the code is

PROCEDURE Close_Window (window_name VARCHAR2) IS

  window_id		WINDOW;
  Window_Not_Found	EXCEPTION;

  window_id := FIND_WINDOW(window_name);   IF ID_NULL(window_id) THEN
    RAISE Window_Not_Found;
  END IF;   HIDE_WINDOW(window_id);

  WHEN Window_Not_Found THEN
    MESSAGE('Window '||window_name||' does not exist.');     RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
    MESSAGE('Internal error occurred in Open_Window.');     RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
END Close_Window;

what am I doing wrong , why Cant it place the focus on the movie window and place the customer window behing the movie window

any help apprecitaed

email me at


Michael Dsouza
Analyst Programmer
United Kingdom

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