
From: <joakim.krassman_at_prepage.se>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 10:23:02 GMT
Message-ID: <7boba2$am7$1_at_nnrp1.dejanews.com>

[Quoted] Hi, everyone

I am really into deep shit and if I cant solve this problem I will have to rebuild all my tables and all ASP pages...puhhhhh...I was hoping that someone outhere could help me with my problem....

I want my control file to look like this:

load data
infile "C:\import\480.swe"
into table test
when (1:3) = 'D01'
(ID position(15:18),

Name position(23:4))

when (1:3) = 'D02'
(Thelephone position(5:8),

ID position(15:18))


D01 test test ID23 test test test
D02 test test ID23 test test test
D01 test test ID24 test test test
D02 test test ID24 test test test

I want the sqlloader to insert every row in the same post, like a loop that fetching in every data to the same record. I have tried a lot of diffrent ways but none have worked out. Please.........

kind regardes Joakim Krassman

It would be really nice if you could email me the answer...if there is one...

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