Order of trigger firing ---HELP Needed.. Forms 5.0

From: <mdesouza_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 09:58:45 GMT
Message-ID: <77n3gh$rkj$1_at_nnrp1.dejanews.com>

[Quoted] Hi all

I have got an application which has a custom build tool and menu bar

the save button is on the form . and when the user presses the save button

[Quoted] a block level trigger when_button_presses fires which call a procedure to find [Quoted] out which button was pressed and appropriately call the do_key('commit_form')

[Quoted] Now the problem I am having is that I have called a text item field called effective_to_date which has a when_validate_item trigger at field level

[Quoted] if the user queries the record and then updates the effective_to_date field [Quoted] and then presses the save button my form does not fire the field level trigger WHEN_VALIDATE_ITEM but fires the BLOCK level trigger WHEN_BUTTON_PRESSED first and then the WHEN_VALIDATE_ITEM trigger.

Therefore my form never updates cause the table is locked by the commit_form [Quoted] and therefore the form hangs

I thought triggers fires in this order first item next block and finally form

[Quoted] Can someone shed some light on this problem

any advice would be appreciated


michael Dsouza

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