VB Generator and VB 5.0 problems

From: <clyde1934_at_my-dejanews.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 13:22:28 GMT
Message-ID: <76ftqj$lmk$1_at_nnrp1.dejanews.com>

        My partner and myself are building an Oracle database with a Visual Basic (5.0) front end for a small to medium size business. We realize that there are easier ways to get this job done(such as Access, and others), but this is also an exercise for my partner and myself to become familiar with the Oracle tools, how they fit together with other products, and to eventually move on to larger applications. Not sure if this is the correct site to ask this question, and if it isn’t, if you could redirect us towards a site that could answer our questions, or provide us with the correct tools.

        We developed our database within Designer/2000 (Release 1.3.2), and are now working to create the VB front end.
Generating within VB 5.0, we came on an error that said we were missing a reference--Oracle InProc Server(oip20.tlb), and going over the Visual Basic Generator documentation, we found that needed Oracle Objects, v2. We went to the Oracle homepage to download a trial version of Oracle Objects 2.3, which was the only version available, and installed it on our computer. The InProc Server is oip23.tlb instead of oip20.tlb, and we now have the following error created in the Visual Basic Generator:

CGEN-03364: Form 'C:\ORAWIN95\CGENV10\VBLIB\LDLOGON.FRM' has been saved using an older version of Visual Basic

        What is triggering this error, when we are using VB 5.0? I have already gone through and saved the form in VB 5.0 to see if that corrected the problem(no). Documentation states that if a version of VB before 4.0 is used, then problems would be raised. Is Oracle Objects part of the problem? Do we need VB 4.0 in particular(that wouldn’t make sense)? Would we need Oracle Objects 2.0 specifically? Is there another product we can use, a patch, or somewhere we can get 2.0(if that is what we need)? What do we need to do, or change, for the VB Generator to use the LDLOGON.FRM? Is there a better way to go about using Oracle and VB?
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!

	C. T.

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