From: Tom Dierckx <tom.dierckx_at_thepentagon.com>
Date: 1998/12/27
Message-ID: <3686B4AA.BBC09847_at_thepentagon.com>#1/1

I've got this fine database running on a personal oracle 7. I've also got a GUI written in java, prepared to run on a Win95 machine.

Can anyone tell me which components I'd obtain to make this GUI able to use the database, and how exactly I'd configure them so that they'd really do it, to?

Thanks a lot. Please mail answers, cause I'm not sure whether I can check the group often enough to find the answers.

There is an easy way to multiply two binary offset-numbers

Tom Dierckx tom.dierckx_at_thepentagon.com
Received on Sun Dec 27 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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