Returning resultset from stored procedure

From: <>
Date: 1998/12/18
Message-ID: <75egta$jo6$>#1/1


[Quoted] [Quoted] I would like to be able to create a stored procedure that does one 'select' statement and returns the resultset via an OUT parameter to the calling function (say, a VB or Delphi) program. I would like the VB or Delphi client [Quoted] to receive the data in a resultset, in the same way that it would by running [Quoted] the SQL query itself. Is this possible?

From what I understand, I can't use the table datatype, because it can only contain one column. Of course, I can use several tables, but then it would be messy for the client software.

Why do I want to do this? Essentially, I would like the client to be able to [Quoted] call stored procedures to return data instead of bothering with the SQL itself. These stored procedures would consist of small bits of code and an SQL query.

Salaam Yitbarek

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