EXCEPTION handling

From: rdowdy <rdowdy_at_cmc.net>
Date: 1998/12/13
Message-ID: <36748B7D.A0175DC7_at_cmc.net>#1/1

[Quoted] [Quoted] I am using Oracle Forms 5, and need to create some exception handles for a specific button trigger. Is there a simple method to ensure all exceptions are handled?

I have a form where I affect multiple tables that depend on one another, so it seems necessary to 'commit' after changes. On certain occassions, these commit(s) bring a few errors to either the status line or a popup window with errors such as:
  No changes to save, FRM-40475, ORC-10001

I'm pretty certain proper programming technique could eliminate these errors. I tried using a conditional commit statement (~IF form changed THEN commit END IF), but this caused some problems.

Thank you for your time.
Richard W. Dowdy
-Client Development Leader-
-SAP/Oracle/Unix help desk project-

  • richdow_at_thegrid.net -
Received on Sun Dec 13 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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