Re: oracle and macintosh

From: Thor <>
Date: 1998/11/23
Message-ID: <73die9$3s8$>#1/1

Use the JAVA client for Mac, although it is a little slower than other JVMs, it works fine.

Apple had dropped their liason person to the db vendors a few times, this created LOTS of work for the db vendors, and much frustration. Things like receiving code to base the network stack on, then to be told not to release with with code. The list goes on ... hopefully they can turn it around.

Now, you could buy Apple's NetObjects and run it on a UNIX/NT server and server that to you Mac clients!

Thor HW
Bernard Willemot wrote in message <72vr46$8tc$>...
>Is there anybody here, who is using Oracle Server and Macintosh Client ?
>A couple of months agoo I downloaded Personal Oracle 7 for Macintosh and
>this is till now, the only thing I found ! From Oracle, I don't get any
>information about it. If I would buy the Oracle 8 Server for SUN or Windows
>NT, would I have the client for Macintosh too (SQLNet, Net80 ?).
>It is probably not so common to get questions about Oracle and the
>Macintosh, but the tests I did a couple of months agoo with Oracle Server
>and OCI on the Macintosh were very successfull.
>Does anybody have this information or know where to find it ?
>Thanx a lot, Bernard Willemot.
Received on Mon Nov 23 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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