Re: Date problem in SQL

From: Jeremy Russell <>
Date: 1998/11/13
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Try using something like

        where d between next_day((sysdate - 14), 'FRIDAY) and sysdate

Haven't got Oracle to hand so I can't test it - but the key is the NEXT_DAY function.

JR (Bjorn E. Andersson) wrote:

>I have a table xxx with columns a, b, c, d
>where column d is date, including time in HH24MI format.
>How can I do a select with all records between
>last Friday 0000 and sysdate?
>Actually, I want to do this in Browser 2.0 (SGI)
>OS Unix SGI 6.4 (Server)
> Unix SGI 6.3 (Clients)
>Oracle 7.3.3
>Any ideas will be appriciated.
Received on Fri Nov 13 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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