STACK & HEAP Parms in Webserver Java Cartridge

From: Lana Nelson x-7984 <>
Date: 1998/07/14
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I am using the Oracle Webserver's Java cartridge.

I was having a Netscape error of "Document contains no data" when a SQL query returned a large result. After we upgraded to Oracle Webserver 3.0.1, the parameters C_STACK, JAVA_STACK, INITIAL_HEAP, and MAX_HEAP magically appeared in the documentation. I set the two STACK parameters to 35M each and INITIAL_HEAP to 10M and MAX_HEAP to 35M. The query results alway display now. I pulled these settings out of the air... I don't have a clue as to how to determine optimum settings. I would appreciate any advice on setting the parameters. I would appreciate any insight into what these parameters are actually doing and how they differ from each other.


Lana Nelson
Please email Received on Tue Jul 14 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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