Re: Getting array of rows from PL/SQL

From: MotoX <>
Date: 1998/07/03
Message-ID: <>#1/1

>[ (James Febbo)]

>| You can cause the stored procedure to be
>| executed from the client easily enough, right?
>| What's giving you trouble is getting back rows
>| from the stored procedure.
>| Answer: don't try. The protocols aren't well
>| enough defined yet to do this! Instead, write
>| the procedure so it extracts what you want,
>| a batch at a time, and writes it to a temporary
>| table. Then just use you normal stuff from the
>| client to select from the temp table as you
>| wish.


I've been doing this (batched fetches from PL/SQL stored procedures) from Oracle 7 and 8 for years via Pro*C/C++ and haven't had any problems. Maybe you should read the manuals and the example programs in the 'demo' directories after install...

MotoX. Received on Fri Jul 03 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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