Re: Calling stored procs and functions in PL/SQL using Cursor Variables

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 1998/04/15
Message-ID: <353601d5.21004462_at_192.86.155.100>#1/1

A copy of this was sent to NOdominic.klein_at_ventura-uk.comSPAM (Dominic Klein) (if that email address didn't require changing) On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:50:35 GMT, you wrote:

The problem is that you are trying to "print" a cursor as though it was a string. That doesn't make sense in pl/sql. A cursor is something you open, fetch from and close.

Here is an example using cursor vars. The first run of cv_demo.open_cursor shows how you can use SQL*Plus to 'print' a cursor. The second example shows how to process the data in pl/sql

create or replace package cv_demo

    type my_rec is record

        ename   emp.ename%type,
        mgr     emp.mgr%type


    type emp_cur is ref cursor return my_rec;

    procedure open_cursor( p_ename_like in     varchar2,
                           p_cur_rec    in out emp_cur );

create or replace package body cv_demo

procedure open_cursor( p_ename_like in varchar2,

                       p_cur_rec    in out emp_cur )

    open p_cur_rec for select ename, mgr

                         from emp
                        where ename like upper(p_ename_like);



variable RefCur refcursor

    cv_demo.open_cursor( '%a%', :refCur ); end;
print refCur

REM How to do it in pl/sql...


    refCur cv_demo.emp_cur;
    ename varchar2(50);
    mgr number;

    cv_demo.open_cursor( '%a%', refCur );     loop

        fetch refCur into ename, mgr;
        exit when ( refCur%notfound );
        dbms_output.put_line( ename || ',' || mgr );
    end loop;
    close refCur;

>I've got a package on the server with stored procs and functions on
>and I want to be able to retrieve values from these using cursor
>variables. Now I've declared my package and procs and functions OK
>and they compile but I can't retrieve them using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE.
>I have declared the cursor as :
>type BLOB_REC is record
> (
> thing_id blobtest.thing_id%TYPE
> )
> ;
>type BLOBTEST_TYPE is ref cursor return BLOB_REC;
>in the simple procedure i just do this ...
>procedure p_surname
> (
> p_surname out varchar2,
> p_cur_rec in out BLOBTEST_TYPE
> )
>l_surname varchar2(5);
> p_surname := 'KLEIN';
> open p_cur_rec for
> select
> from
> ;
>end; --p_surname
>which just returns 2 values as there are 2 recs in the table.
>Anyway my problem is getting the values to the screen from the calling
>program (which will be on the client) and is :
>set serveroutput on;
>l_surname varchar2(5);
>l_thing_id AM001.BLOBTEST_TYPE;
> AM001.p_surname(l_surname, l_thing_id);
> dbms_output.put_line (AM001.f_test||' '||l_surname||' '||
> l_thing_id.thing_id);
>End ;
>I'm trying to reference l_thing_id as though it is an element in a
>If i take the DBMS line out it doesn't complain but i don't know what
>it's done so that's not much use.
>Anyway can anyone shed some light on this please ? All the books I've
>seen just give examples for selecting * which is not much use !

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government
Herndon VA -- downloadable utilities  

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation  

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