From: Patrick Drouin <patrick.drouin_at_remove_this.nortel.com>
Date: 1998/03/25
Message-ID: <3519BA03.55CD_at_remove_this.nortel.com>#1/1

[Quoted] Hello everyone,

 I'm having a problem with the UTL_FILE... Whenever I write LONG VARCHAR2 to the disk, I get the UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR. I have tried cuting down on the length of the string I am writing to disk but it doesn't change anything to the results.

 BTW, the file is created and some data is written. The package just stops at one point during the execution and gives me error message.

 Any help will be very appreciated!
 Patrick Received on Wed Mar 25 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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