dba tools for macintosh?

From: Jim Pistrang <jim_at_jpcr.com>
Date: 1998/02/23
Message-ID: <jim-2302981406380001_at_iplink11.crocker.com>#1/1

dba tools for macintosh?

For a few years now I've used the set of 'Graphical Administration Tools' dba tools that came with SQLNet 2.1 for Mac, including Import, Export, Object Manager, Database Expander, SQL Loader, & a few others. These tools were not shipped with SQLNet 2.3, which I want to be using. Can anyone recommend replacement tools? I know there are 3rd party tools on Win95, anything for Mac?


Jim Received on Mon Feb 23 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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