Re: Row Count

From: Connor McDonald <>
Date: 1998/02/04
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Bill Bollhorst wrote:
> The project I am currently working on has a requirement to provide
> feedback to the user about the query that (s)he has sent. This
> feedback consists of the number of rows that satisfy the query and
> the amount of time to satisfy the query.
> The customer's idea is that if the user sends a large query and
> they are informed about it ASAP, they can take action to abort the
> query or let it run in the background.
> Personally I laughed when I saw these. :-) How do you get the
> number of rows and/or time without actually doing the query?
> If you are going to waste the time counting the rows, just
> do the query.
> If there is an answer or a compromise to address this type of
> requirement I would appreciate an opinion.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill

[Quoted] This kind of functionality is provided in Discoverer 3 - I duuno how they have done but I know the doco says that all tables must be analyzed (and of course running CBO) for it to work


Connor McDonald
BHP Information Technology
Perth, Western Australia
"These views mine not BHP..etc etc"

"The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad."
Received on Wed Feb 04 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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