Question re:ODBC w/long datatype

From: Ian C. Sellers <>
Date: 1998/01/05
Message-ID: <>#1/1

There is a column with datatype of long, one row of which I need to retrieve to WordPerfect using ODBC. I find that my query only retrieves about the first 100 characters from this column.

If I were in SQL+ I would set long to 5000 or so, and it would retrieve all the data. How do I do the equivalent via ODBC? I know it is possible through the ODBC interface because the obsolete reports which I am replacing successfully do this -- with the same ODBC driver, but they used another layer between WordPerfect and ODBC called InfoPublisher and I cannot see what this layer does.

I'm in Windows 3.1 (or win95 - same results) using Oracle ODBC 1.14 or such (16 bit) and WordPerfect 6.1 and Oracle 7.0something running on Novell Netware 3.12.

-Ian Received on Mon Jan 05 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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