Migrating a Forms 4.5 app from Win 3.1 to Win 95/NT

From: Simon Dennis <denniss_at_logica.com>
Date: 1997/12/03
Message-ID: <01bcffdf$e2b47b40$6746ea9e_at_p02850.logica.co.uk>#1/1

[Quoted] I am currently working on an Oracle system in the following environment. Oracle RDBMS v on a Dec Alpha running Unix. Forms 4.5
Windows 3.1 (yeah I know, I know)

The client is looking at migrating to either Windows 95 or Windows NT.

I would like to hear of any experience of such a migration. We are expecting to have to upgrade to the 32 bit version of forms and regenerate all of them.

Are there any particular migration issues that we should be aware of?

Simon Dennis
Received on Wed Dec 03 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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