Re: Need help exporting and importing

From: Rafa Flores Yoldi <>
Date: 1997/11/05
Message-ID: <63q5se$cdh$>#1/1

Hi again,

  Here goes a correction to my words,

>>3. Who should I be logged on as when I do the above export?
>I usually log as the user from which I want to export data, but you
>could do the same by using a line command option (maybe "fromuser",
>not sure right now) and loggin as a user with enough privileges to
>export the full database, as SYSTEM for instance.
In fact the option "fromuser" does not exist in the "expXX" command, so you should log as the user from which you want to export the tables. I guess you could also try logging as a user with "export_full_database" privileges and select tables like "userX.tableY" from other users. I haven't tried this late option but I suppose that's the use of that privilege after all!

  Best regards, again

  Rafa Flores Yoldi Received on Wed Nov 05 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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