Re: How to CM an Oracle DB

From: Jym Dyer <>
Date: 1997/10/27
Message-ID: <>#1/1

> Use a tool like ERWin to reverse engineer the database schema
> and version control the schema. Extract all the database
> objects as individual files of ddl (create table.., create
> procedure... etc) and version control these.

=o= I wrote a message along these lines a week or so ago; take a look at to get it.

=o= Basically I advise the same thing, except I recommend dumping the schema and other DDL objects as text files (SQL scripts). I can do this with PowerDesigner; I don't know whether ERwin or Designer/2000 will do it.

> in order to change a table you need (at least) an alter table
> command whereas what a traditional vc system gives you is two
> different create table commands.

=o= It's possible to have a SQL script with both the "create" and "alter" commands, though that's a bit of a waste. Generally I read in the SQL script (with the "create" commands and fire "alter" commands off to the database but write a new "create" command back to the new version of the SQL script. The last step is the most error-prone one.

> vc systems don't know anything about databases and give no
> help in maintaining dependency information.

=o= I've automated this somewhat using triggers in ClearCase, but it's a lot of work!

    <_Jym_> Received on Mon Oct 27 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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