Re: Designer 2000, use of foreign keys

From: Roger Snowden <>
Date: 1997/10/04
Message-ID: <01bcd0db$4ec3c7c0$>#1/1

As a general concept, it should be noted that reverse and forward engineering either should involve manual intervention, to redesign something at the logical level, or one should not use the ERD tool at all. That is, if you don't need to rethink a design, but simply want to redeploy it, use the physical model only and avoid creating the ERD layer. Otherwise, expect to create a new logical model and then crank out a physical model from that, including the tweaks you need to get the attributes right.


> If you retrofit from a table to an entity (as you would after reverse
> engineering a database), D2K removes any column entries mentioned in the
> foreign keys. In this way it is consistent with the above, i.e ERD
> relationships do not have attributes.
Received on Sat Oct 04 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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