Oracle WebServer Tools vs. Netscape Livewire

From: Peter Worthington <>
Date: 1997/09/30
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I had a client call last night and say that they require any web development
be done in the Netscape Livewire. Not being familiar with Livewire I did a
little reading and it just seems like a server-side javascript extension for
database connectivity.

To me it just seems that working with the Oracle WebServer stored procedures
is still the better route to go. I'm probably a little bias since I've worked
this way for so long.

[Quoted] Does anyone have any comments, pro's and con's, on using Netscape Livewire
in conjunction with the Oracle WebServer tools?


Peter Received on Tue Sep 30 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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