Looking for good book about PL/SQL and SQL

From: ULB/UCL research group on object-oriented systems <eroos_at_vub.ac.be>
Date: 1997/09/27
Message-ID: <60j4c3$alc_at_rc1.vub.ac.be>#1/1

[Quoted] Hi here,

I would like to know whether you know a (very) good text-book regarding the means of the optimisation of SQL and PL SQL languages (for ex. y'all know that the position of a table -according to its size- in a FROM clause has an effect on the response time).

That's the kind of information I'm looking for: all the means to improve the performances of SQL and PL/SQL. Does such a book exist ? Or are there perhaps too web sites that deal with this matter ??

Could you send me any help/answer to
sebastien.rigaud_at_mobile.belgacom.be ??

Thanks a lot !
Sebastien Rigaud Received on Sat Sep 27 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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