Oracle speed problem

From: (wrong string) ía <>
Date: 1997/08/29
Message-ID: <01bcb068$4a397c60$>#1/1

Can anyone help me?

This questions are about Oracle and ODBC over Windows NT.

We are trying to make an app using Visual Basic 5.0, RDO 2.0, ODBC driver from Microsoft,
in the client-side, and Windows NT server 4.0 and Oracle in the server-side.

1.- What is the minimal requeriments for install a good Oracle Server using Windows NT?
We are using in one case a Pentium Pro 200 with 64 Gb of RAM and in other case a HP
Netserver E40 Pentium PRO 200 with 64 Mb or RAM with, in the two cases, 4 MB one hard disk.

2.- We make tests using a Access database and a ODBC connection. The tests are made in the
same machine, in other words, Oracle is running over the same machine that run the test
program. The ODBC-Sql*Net connection make a loopback connection. Our test consist in making a select * from a table within 7800 rows and fill-in a listbox with
one of his columns. We have the same table and data in the ORacle database and in a Access DB.
Well, when we make the query, Access retrieve the data and fill the list in 4 seconds, 0 seconds
are taken for make the query and 4 seconds are taken for retrieve the 7800 rows and fill the
list box.
Using all combinations of cursors, etc... accessing the Oracle Db using ODBC and filling the listbox
take 14 secs, 0 seconds are taken for make the query but 14 seconds are taken for retrieve data and
fill the listbox.
In the two cases, the test code make a movenext for move around the table. Why this differences?

3.- For the same case, if we use the Oracle Objects for OLE, making the query are fast too, but
when we try to make the movenext for all the rows, the time used is 40 secs !!

Please, can anyone help me with this?
I am discouraged with ORacle and ODBC.

Please e-mail me at

Thanks very very much. Received on Fri Aug 29 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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