Oracle Power Object - I need Help

From: Marcelo Lins <>
Date: 1997/06/27
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Hello All

Help on Oracle Power Objects 2.1 [build 36]

I'm creating a form frmLogon with:

| User........: ________ |
| Password: ________ |
| |
|       --------------          ------------------	   |
|       | BtnOK |          | BtnCalcel |	   |   
|       --------------          ------------------	   | 

  1. The method frmLogon.Onload() has a code BtnOK.enabled = False
  2. Problem When i'm typing in the fields txtUser or txtPassword the property txtUser.Value or txtPassword.Value don't change until i type a TAB key or when i change the focus to another object. If i code in the txtUser.Onkey() 'If not IsNull(txtUser.Value) Then BtnOK.enable =true' and the default is null, the If is ever false when i type a string. Is it CORRECT or it's a BUG? If it's CORRECT How can i get the value of the field when i'm typing it (on the method OnKey), i.e. the real value of a textbox inside the Onkey method. I want to enable btnOK when both are not null, and disable when one of them change it's value to null again.


[]'s Marcelo Lins Received on Fri Jun 27 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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