Using Multiple Forms to accomplish a goal --

From: Jody Lewis <>
Date: 1997/06/24
Message-ID: <5op1i8$>#1/1

Could anyone give me some advice on the foloowing matter:

[Quoted] We are in the position of creating a whole new application using Forms 4.5 . This application is the responsibility of three programmers who will be taking what needs to be written and divide it into pieces. The questions was asked what is the best things to do, have several forms and call them as you need them (or even call all forms that may be needed) or one form.

It was decided that having one form would be the best if possible but logically ahve each person create a form or several forms for what needs to be accomplished would be ideal.

First of all, would this be your recommendation or have youi forseen any problems with creating an application this way?

Second of all, can you open call the necessary forms and reference them as you need them? Or what needs to be done so the speed of the application is not affected by having several forms?

I would appreciate and reponses/comments on what any of you have experienced. Suggestions are greatly appreciate.

Please send responses directly to me if possible.

Thank you in advance.

Jody Lewis Received on Tue Jun 24 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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