Re: Unix Env. Variables from PL/SQL

From: Keith J. Vargas <>
Date: 1997/05/21
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Richard Bolz wrote:
> Could someone tell me how I might access Unix environment variables from
> Failing that, is there a good way (from PL/SQL or SQL PLUS) to move a
> file from one Unix directory to another?
> Thanx
> Dick

Here is an example of how I access a shell variable from PL/SQL. I pass in
an argument (shell variable) on the command line itself.

        sqlplus $USER/$PASS _at_$SQL_DIR/setcharges.sql $BATCH_ID >> $LOG_DIR/$LOGFILE Notice the $BATCH_ID, its a ksh variable. In the sql code, I then reassign it to
a local variable this way:

        batch_id  varchar2(6) := &&1;

This tells the internal variable to pick up the first command line argument from above.
Then I use it from there on out.

Hope this helps

Keith Vargas
Hewlett Packard, Andover MA Received on Wed May 21 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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