Storing and displaying graphics files from Oracle Database

From: Bhatia <>
Date: 1997/04/08
Message-ID: <5idine$>#1/1

Hi there:

We are in the process of designing a application / database to store graphics. Oracle database will hold the graphics files and from the client PCs( windows ), users need to display those grphics ( Mpeg) files on to their pcs retreiving from the Oracle server.

Can anyone provide some help on the server side datatypes for the columns holding these graphics files, what mechanism needs to be adopted in order to retrieve these files from database and display on to the client pcs etc. If the client application is written in C++, then is there any gotchas on datatype conversion between Oracle datatype and C++ datatype?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bhatia Received on Tue Apr 08 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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