Re: PL/SQL Referencing a table named in a column

From: Andy Hardy <>
Date: 1997/03/11
Message-ID: <>#1/1

In article <5g1kd2$>, Jeff Arnfield <> writes
>Is there a way I can get PL/SQL (either directly in the trigger or in
>a stored procedure) to get the name of the table to operate on from
>the column that contains that table name, then issue the delete,
>without hard-coding the table names in the PL/SQL block and using a
>conditional test to compare the table name stored in the column with
>table names known in the PL/SQL procedure?

You can get PL/SQL to do this using Dynamic SQL - check the manuals.

It's a shame to be moving the BLOBS about, otherwise a cascade delete rule would be easy to implement.


Andy Hardy. PGP key available on request

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Received on Tue Mar 11 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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