Golden Retriever : product endorsement

From: Eric Hartzenberg <>
Date: 1997/03/07
Message-ID: <8VDL0DA$>#1/1

Hi Oraclers:
I'd like to bring to your attention an excellent piece of shareware called Golden Retriever (the name alone is worth the registration fee).

Basically, it's a point-and-click SQL*Plus, running from Windows (3.x or 95). Lots of nice features - I particularly like the way it handles returned rows, putting them into a spreadsheet format. SQL can be built by clicking on table-names, column-name & reserved words.

It has its 'features' (what shareware doesn't?) but I can recommend it to anyone who has ever had to type


Check it out on

BTW, I have no relationship with the author, financial or otherwise.

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ERIC HARTZENBERG | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Email : Compuserve : 100073,21 |
| Homepage : |
Received on Fri Mar 07 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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