SQL*Plus for Windows and DATE format

From: Stephen A. Rodgers <trodgers_at_mindspring.com>
Date: 1997/02/28
Message-ID: <33175579.C53_at_mindspring.com>#1/1

 Hello everyone:

I am running SQL*Plus for Windows and noticed that when I change my Oracle 7.3 database (running on Sun Solaris) to use an initialization parm of NLS_DATE_FORMAT="YY/MM/DD", the SQL*Plus on Solaris reflects the change but SQL*Plus on Windows doesn seems to notice. Does anyone know how to get around this, or is SQL*Plus for Windows too dumb? I noticed that after all these years, there is still no HELP file available for the Windows version of SQL*Plus and although I loaded the help tables into the database, the Windows SQL*Plus will not allow me to get to those help files even though the Solaris version does.

Thanks for any insight.

Best regards,
Stephen A. Rodgers
Prominence Consulting, Inc. Received on Fri Feb 28 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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