TextServer example program gives TXR-0709

From: Steve_Kilbane <steve_at_phantom.cegelecproj.co.uk>
Date: 1996/11/08
Message-ID: <55v004$cs9_at_jupiter.sdd.cegelecproj.co.uk>#1/1

[Quoted] Can anyone shed any light on what the following actually means?

TXR-00709 no hitlist/slect list columns selected from table %s Cause No Columns selected from hitlist / select list [no kidding...] Action Check hitlist column definition and contact Oracle Support

I get this when using rtaea to retrieve data from my own text table, using:

select contents from df_files where contents contains 'perl'

(rtaea reports several hits; it just blows up attempting to fetch the hitlist)

When using a similar query on the example tables, rtaea works:

select page from book where page contains 'books'

However, using rtadmin, I can perform the first query on my own tables and retrieve data without problems. Otherwise, I might suspect that it's because my "contents" column is LONG RAW, and the "page" column in the example tables is LONG.

This is with TextServer 3.1, RDBMS 7.2.3, Solaris 2.5.


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Received on Fri Nov 08 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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