Re: A CTE Question

From: Erland Sommarskog <>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 11:36:59 +0200
Message-ID: <Xns9DE2762B261AYazorman_at_127.0.0.1>

Thomas Kellerer ( writes:
> I also would like to know if you are really using Oracle.

Actually, my assumption was that he was on Oracle!

That is, I saw the post in, and all the syntax parsed on SQL 2008 except for the row constructor in the join. The row constructor for the INSERT are ANSI as far as I know.

(And, no, I do normally hang out here. I had a feeling that Michel may have posted to more newsgroups, so I searched on Google groups, and sure enough.)

>> with t_recurs (dep_id, parent, iter) as
>> (
>> select dep_id, parent, 0 from DEPARTMENT
>> union all
>> select r.dep_id, d.parent, iter + 1
>> from t_recurs r, DEPARTMENT d
>> where r.parent = d.dep_id and iter< 1000
>> )
> That query is wrong, and that's why you need this "where iter < 1000"
> workaround.

The recursion as works: you start from the bottom and work your way up. You will stop recurse when you reach the top level. However, he would need a WHERE NOT EXISTS to only start at the leaves. Now he starts on all nodes.

And at first glance, it seems that this is the way to go: you want to count how many there are in each department, so why not start at the bottom? The problem is that if a department has several subdepartments,  you will count the staff in that department everytime. So I think that is a non-starter nevertheless. (And this test case was missing frmo Michel's test data.)

> this should do it as far as I can tell.
> with recursive t_recurs (dep_id, parent, iter) as
> (
> select dep_id, parent, 0 as iter
> from department
> where parent is null
> union all
> select d.dep_id, d.parent, iter + 1
> from department d
> join t_recurs r on d.parent = r.dep_id
> )
> select r.dep_id,
> (select count(*) from t_recurs r2 where r2.iter > r.iter)
> as department_count,
> (select count(*) from person where dep_id =
> any (select dep_id from t_recurs r3 where r3.iter >= r.iter))
> as person_count from t_recurs r
> order by 1;

I don't think this works. This assumes that there is a single line of departments with no branches, and Michel's data had two roots. (And uses -2 rather than NULL to signify a root.)

Here is the query that I suggested in the SQL Server newsgroup:

WITH depcnt (DEP_ID, cnt) AS (

), recurs (DEP_ID, iter, path) AS (

   SELECT DEP_ID, 0, cast(str(DEP_ID, 4) as varchar(8000))    FROM DEPARTMENT
   SELECT D.DEP_ID, r.iter+1, r.path + str(D.DEP_ID, 4)    FROM recurs r
FROM recurs R1
JOIN recurs R2 ON R2.path LIKE R1.path + '%' LEFT JOIN depcnt dc ON R2.DEP_ID = dc.DEP_ID GROUP BY R1.DEP_ID
ORDER BY R1.DEP_ID To get this working on Oracle, you probably need to replace the str() function, and change + in the LIKE expression to ||.

As for performance, on SQL Server it is certainly recommendable to to first save the result of the CTE into a temp table and work from there.

Here is some more sample data (still with row constructors, though):

create table DEPARTMENT
DEP_ID integer not null primary key,
NAME VARCHAR(32) not null,
PARENT integer not null
) ;

insert into DEPARTMENT

VALUES (1,'A',-2),
       (8,'D1', 4),
       (9,'D2', 4),
       (10,'E2', 5),
       (11,'E3', 5)

create table PERSON (
PERSON_ID integer not null primary key,
NAME VARCHAR(128) not null,
DEP_ID integer,
constraint FK_01 foreign key (DEP_ID) references DEPARTMENT(DEP_ID) );

Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,
Received on Sat Aug 28 2010 - 04:36:59 CDT

Original text of this message