Re: Take the archives during the backup

From: bob123 <>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 08:28:02 +0200
Message-ID: <4c78ac70$0$18996$>

OK Mark thanks
the goal is duplicate a production database to a test database
my answers below

<Additional infromation is necessary to properly answer your question.
<Are you using a backup set or file copies?

<Did you include the archive logs as part of the backup set or not?
Yes but this is my problem.
To have the smallest backupset
I would like to have only the archives
necessary to open the copy of the database. I don't do delete input on the source database so no problem for my source database.

<Are you restoring to the same or a different machine?
to another machine

<Do you use a recovery catalog?


<Options would include Point in Time Recovery (PITR) to a predetermined
<SCN or timestamp or potentially you could perform a recover until
<cancel operation.

OK but to have the smallest backup set
how can I only include the archives needed to recover the test database.
Taking all the archives is to big for my working window.

Thanks again Received on Sat Aug 28 2010 - 01:28:02 CDT

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