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Re: Configuration question

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 22:25:07 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 13:44:26 -0700, hasta_l3 wrote:

> This list happens to have a charter. Again, I request you to abide by
> it, and stick to technical content related to the oracle server.

Once again, you do know how to use "block sender"? This is Usenet, you don't have to read my posts and you don't have the right to request anything from me. You can only politely ask me and I will consider your request on case by case basis. I've already received some hate mail telling me that this group doesn't need another Sybrand. Allow me to enlighten you: I am not another Sybrand, I can be much harsher and much more sarcastic than Sybrand ever was. Sybrand has also been an oracle-l member long time ago, while the oracle trash list was hosted by fatcity and I know exactly what I am talking about. When posting to a list that serves as an information exchange among professionals, posts should be well thought of and on the professional level. In other words, you are expected to do your part and not waste time of your colleagues. Failure to do so may result in sarcastic barb on your account or on my account. I accepted admonishment by Jonathan with humility and admitted my mistake. I replied without paying enough attention to the post that I was replying to and have suffered the consequences. There's nothing I could or should do about that.
There is nothing you can do about my posts, either. Personal styles are different. My personal heroes are Groucho Marx, H.L. Mencken, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift. Ambrose Bierce, Mark Twain, the Monty Python group, Jason Alexander, Mikhail Bulgakov, J. Hasek, A. Huxley, George Carlin, Chris Rock, Rowan Atkinson and Rick Mayall in no particular order of preference. My personal style is adjusted accordingly and you will have to live with mine. If you don't like it, there is always "block sender" mentioned in the beginning. That is the only cunning plan that might actually work.

Received on Sun Apr 08 2007 - 17:25:07 CDT

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