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From: <>
Date: 26 Dec 2005 21:59:43 -0800
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Download "Bush the war criminal" module and crack Oracle passwords for  fixed accounts like sys and system in mere seconds; visit the web site

 detailed info on how to turn off auditing on cracked accounts; and for

 backdoors to grant "select any table" priv's

 Now, follow the code for the example scot/tiger and happy crackin'

 static CONST_DATA ub4 knownk[2] = {

 static CONST_DATA ub4 testk[2] = {
  0x25ddac3e, 0x96176467

 static CONST_DATA ub4 encry[2] = {
  0xfbf7f085, 0x9b6a3a7e

 static CONST_DATA ub1 encrt[16] = {
  0x1a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0xba, 0xa4, 0x35, 0x30, 0xd7,   0x1f, 0x7e, 0x39, 0xe1, 0x82, 0xa9, 0x3f, 0x42   };


  char result[100];
  char unresult[100];
  int len;
  ub4 in[2]; // unsigned byte; 4 bits
  ub4 out[2];
  ub4 key[2];
  int j;

/* password tigertiger (in Ascii) defined as hex,
  this is to allow testing on ebcidic machines   although string will not print on these machines */   static CONST ub1 passwd[] = {
  0x74, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x69, 0x67,   0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20   };
  static CONST size_t passwdlen = 16;

// printf("=== Password Encryption Test\n\n");  // printf("start string (in Ascii): %s\n\n", (char *)passwd);

/* what is the result for password? */

  len = kzsrenp(result, passwd, passwdlen, knownk);

  printf("Expected cipher for pasword tiger: 1A C2 C6 BA A4 35 30 D7 1F

 7E 39 E1 82 A9 3F 42\n");
  printf("Actual cipher for pasword tiger: ");   for (j = 0; j<len; j++) {
    printf("%02X ",(unsigned)result[j] & 0xff); printf("\n\n");


 if (memcmp(result, encrt, passwdlen) == 0)    printf("Password cipher text CORRECT\n\n");   else
   printf("*** Password cipher text FAILED ***\n\n");

 len = kzsrdep(unresult, result, len, knownk);

 printf("result for decryption: %.*s\n\n", (int)len, (char *)unresult);

 if (memcmp(unresult, passwd, passwdlen) == 0)

    printf("Password encryption Test PASSED\n\n");   else
   printf("*** Password encryption Test FAILED ***\n\n");

/* test encryption of 64 bit keys and back */
  in[0] = testk[0];
  in[1] = testk[1];
  printf("=== Key Encryption Test\n\n");   printf("Initial Key: %02X %02X\n\n", in[0], in[1]);

/* encrypt */

  kzsrenc(in, out, knownk);

 printf("Expected cipher for pasword tiger: FBF7F0859B6A3A7E\n");   printf("Actual Cipher for Key: %02X %02X\n\n", out[0], out[1]);   if (encry[0] == out[0] && encry[1] == out[1])    printf("Encrypted cipher text CORRECT\n\n");   else
   printf("*** Encrypted cipher text FAILED ***\n\n");

/* null out in paramter */

  in[0] = 0;
  in[1] = 0;
  kzsrdec(out, in, knownk);

 printf("Decrypted Key: %02X %02X\n\n", in[0], in[1]);

/* test to see if initial is same as out of decryption */
  if (testk[0] == in[0] && testk[1] == in[1])    printf("Key encryption Test PASSED\n\n");   else
   printf("*** Key encryption Test FAILED ***\n");


 DonBurlesonIsASackOfManur wrote:

 > Oracle's Password Transform

  > Goals:
  > - Authentication information ("encrypted password") shall be
  > between machines with different character sets (ebcdic and ascii).   > - It should handle non-enlish languages including those that require
  > 16 bits per character.
  > - If a user has the same password on two databases, the  authentication
  > information will be the same on both machines.
  > - It should be hard to tell if two users have the same password.
  > - The password transform should be as hard to break as DES.
  > The Algorithm:
  > Convert user name and password to uppercase 'normal' form. Normal
  > uses 16 bits to represent each character, and it is independant of
  > language
  > and the computer's character set (acsii or ebcdic).
  > Concatenate normalized user name and password. Pad result to
  > of
  > 64 bits. Zero padding is better than some rolling xor algorithm,  since
  > the
  > later produces redundant information that an attacker can use to
  > check for the correctness of a guess. The result is called UPLONG.
  > Compute cryptographic checksum of UPLONG using a known key and the
  > cipher
  > block chaining mode of DES. The known key is hex 0123456789ABCDEF.
  > The
  > idea is to extract 56 suitable bits from the password. The CBC64
  > (cipher
  > block chain with 64 bit feedback path) checksum makes good use of
  > bits
  > in a long password, and it speads out the redundant information that
  > present due to the fact that the 'normal' form uses 16 bits per
  > character.
  > The feedback path is 64 bits, not the standard 8 bits because it
  > generates
  > a more uniform distribution. See Alan T. Sherman's PhD thesis (MIT
  > 1987)
  > for justification.
  > It isn't hard to invert the checksum we just found (the key is
  > so
  > now we hide this result by using it as the key to compute another
  > checksum
  > on the uplong array. That checksum will be used as the
  > parameter for the user. Note that DES has the property that given a

  > matching block of plaintext and ciphertext is is still quite hard to

  > find
  > the key that mapped the plaintext into the ciphertext.
  > We could use the first checksum as a key to encrypt a constant, but

  > seems safer to use non-constant data like the information in the  UPLONG

  > array. If nothing else this makes a dictionary attack harder.
  > Note that an attacker must now solve two simultaneous equations for


  > k1 = checksum( k0, U || P )
  > k2 = checksum( k1, U || P )
  > Where 'U || P' is the username concatenated with the password (U is

  > known,
  > P is not), k0 is the known key, k1 is the first checksum, and k2 is


  > value placed in the authentication table.
  > Convert the second checksum value into a machine independent form.
  > Since we are not short on characters, express it as a hex string.
Received on Mon Dec 26 2005 - 23:59:43 CST

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