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Re: High Volume Inserts

From: <>
Date: 26 Sep 2005 15:47:59 GMT
Message-ID: <20050926114759.854$> wrote:
> All,
> We are building an application using Websphere MQ coupled with
> Websphere Application Server on 2 solaris 5.9 servers (Sunfire 6800 &
> 4500)

Which of these is running your database server?

> The intent of the application is to pull messages from the queue,

What queue?

> perform some validation, and insert to the database.

Insert *what* into the database?

> During our
> performance testing this is what I encountered:
> 1. With 1 instance of the application on the 6800 and 1 instance of
> the application on the 4500, we were able to pull ~150 messages per
> minute and insert to the Oracle 9i db at a rate of 16,000 inserts/sec.

So each message leads to ~6400 inserts?

> 2. With 2 instances of the application on the 6800 and 2 instances of
> the application on the 4500, we were able to pull ~200 messages per
> minute and still only insert to the Oracle 9i db at a rate of 16,000
> inserts/sec.

Where are the inserts corresponding to those extra 50 messages per minute going, if they are not going into the database?

> 3. With 2 instances of the application on the 6800 and 1 instances of
> the application on the 4500, we were able to pull ~260 messages per
> minute and still only insert to the Oracle 9i db at a rate of 16,000
> inserts/sec.

Where are the inserts corresponding to those extra 110 messages per minute going, if they are not going into the database?

> First question I have is, would this experiment present the hypothesis
> that the database is the bottleneck here?

My hypothesis is that your app is either hosed or has been insufficiently explained to us.

> Also, if so, what are some
> immediate optimizations that can be made to improve this (I am not a
> DBA of any sort)? Thanks in advance.

Bind variables? Array inserts? Hire a DBA?


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