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Re: No future for DB2

From: Buck Nuggets <>
Date: 29 Jul 2005 21:21:53 -0700
Message-ID: <>

> In fact, the tasks you pointed out are used much more frequently than backup
> and recovery.

Depends. Locking generally isn't much of an issue in data warehousing, and it usually isn't a challenge in db2 other than in exceptionally high-volume databases.

I never bother with static sql, so I haven't had any challenges there in years.

Recoveries? Yeah, I seldom need to recover databases. But I think that a primary responsibility of a dba is to be able to restore a database. :-) So, I'm a big believer to running backup/restore drills if necessary to develop that skill.

> This is a pure assumption. Apparently they have not been Oracle trained.
True. Nor had they been db2-trained prior to starting this project. But I've got the same amount of experience with both databases, and have built similar data warehouse projects on both. Both are great for warehousing, with each having cool strengths. Oracle's partition management and third-party support is fantastic. DB2's MDC (like partitioning) is both fantastic and included in the base product. And supporting and explaining db2 is much easier in my experience.

> I agree that SQL Server admin is easier to learn, but development is another
> story.

I've always found sql server easy to set up for non-production environments, but a royal pain in the butt for real production - where I prefer batch maintenance operations that can be managed via cvs to reentering gui commands in production.

> MySQL is absolutely not easier to learn, perhaps fewer things to learn due to
> lack of features.

Right - it's a very lite feature set. Received on Fri Jul 29 2005 - 23:21:53 CDT

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