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Re: Another Oracle "Myth"?

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 14:05:30 -0800
Message-ID: <1069538755.832436@yasure>

Michael J. Moore wrote:

> Checking in late on this one but my reaction to what Mr. Millsap is saying
> is basically "Well duh!"
> It is like putting a program into a loop and watching the CPU race and
> thinking that that means you have a very efficient program. It seems rather
> obvious that hit ratio, as an isolated metric, is rather meaningless.
> Also, there is that old adage, "If it is too good to be true, it probably
> is." Well, 99% is too good to be true so it is very suspicious and I think
> Mr. Millsap is saying that the number one suspect would be a badly tuned SQL
> statement.
> So, if the hit ratio is fairly low, and you know your SQL is well tuned,
> then throwing more RAM at the problem is probably a good idea. Right?
> But this raises some questions in my mind that some of the gurus in here may
> like to comment on.
> "When is a PHYSICAL IO NOT A Physical IO? and does it matter?"
> I am thinking about RAM disk cache here, and RAID and any other type of
> physical device that may look like a physical IO to Oracle but may not be
> requiring an actual disk read. And then there is the problem of other
> applications running on the same system that may be determining if Oracle's
> request for a physical IO can be serviced by a Logical IO at the OS/device
> level.
> Goodbye science, hello art.
> Mike


Not claiming guru status but I'll give you my opinion:

If it ain't broke don't fix it. By which I mean that there enough real problems in any database application that developers and DBAs should be focusing on those before worrying about hit ratios and whether an IO is or is not truly a physical IO.

I've yet to see the database application where such esoteric issues where the root cause of the problem. Concentrate on the low hanging fruit ... indexes, bind variables, explain plan, autotrace, and hold code reviews and you'll likely never have to care.

Which doesn't mean the topic isn't important but rather the point out that too often people get hung up on the esoteric and don't deal with the all too obvious.

Daniel Morgan
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Received on Sat Nov 22 2003 - 16:05:30 CST

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