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Re: Oracle Right or Wrong

From: Mike Dwyer <>
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 21:30:06 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 21:09:09 GMT, Karsten Farell <> wrote:

And I always do a goodle search myself prior to making an ass out of myself. I am not a follower of Larry or Bill. I just want a product that doesn't make my app crash or bump my head on its ceiling of limitation. I am very impressed about Oracle's capabilities in respect to this. But, Geeze, the hoops you have to jump through sometimes. Sequences & Triggers vs. Identity in MS. SQL*Plus vs. QA, etc. Like any true blooded American, I want the best of all worlds, delivered to my door along with my Starbucks--for free!. That's all. Is that too much to ask, I say?

>Mike Dwyer wrote:
>> That said, I've been active in a number of forums in my years but I've
>> never seen the level of arrogance and closed mindedness that I see
>> from some members of this forum. This posting isn't directed towards
>> the people who put forward constructive advice and criticism. This is
>> directed towards the people who seem to worship the Oracle God and
>> spend as much time pontificating as they do giving advice (if any).
>> Is it just me? I can't believe that I'm alone in this observation.
>I have to agree with you in concept, at least. There are a few snobs on
>this NG ... but is that really so unusual? Back a hundred years ago (or
>so it seems), I was struggling to make an Excel spreadsheet download
>some data from an Oracle db. I was a complete novice in the VBA world,
>so I thought I'd post a question in the Microsoft Excel newsgroup
>(actually, it was on the Excel-L list server) and - boy! was that an
>eye-opener. I was rapidly blased by the "regulars" on the list server
>telling me I was unnecessarily wasting all of their bandwidth (as if
>their flames weren't) ... and why the heck (not exactly the word they
>used) didn't I look it up in the Help?
>More recently than a hundred years ago, I started lurking in the
>Microsoft Flight Simulator NG. This time I checked Google to make sure I
>wasn't posting a "dumb" question that had been answered by the
>"regulars" a thousand times already. I must not have used the correct
>search keywords ... as soon as I posted my question about renaming a
>particular aircraft model ... the flames started. Honestly, some of the
>flames hit the NG so rapidly, I think some of the regulars had their
>flames composed before my question even arrived. Why hadn't I read the
>manual (yeah, the 23-page one)? Why didn't I check to
>download the 300-page SDK tomes?
>I'm not sure what makes some of these "regulars" choose to flame every
>newbie who dares to come onto their turf ... but it seems to be quite
>common. I guess they're the sort who should never get a job in tech
>support ... or worse, at the customer service desk of some popular chain
>store (where I'm sure they'd smart-mouth every customer who tried to
>return something - did they read the manual before deciding it didn't
>However, I still lurk on several NGs because I can really learn a lot of
>stuff I didn't know. And even those on this NG who routinely badger
>newbies occasionally post useful info. I worked as an Oracle consultant
>for a while (for Oracle Corp), and we had to listen to father Larry from
>time to time ... telling us how many checkmarks we had on the feature
>list compared to Sybase or SQL Server ... and any that they had that we
>didn't have would surely be in the next version. Oracle is a great
>marketing machine, after all.
Received on Tue Oct 08 2002 - 16:30:06 CDT

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