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Re: Need to borrow your office for work expriences!

From: Joe Cosby <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 00:18:45 GMT
Message-ID: <>

"J.T. Wenting" <> hunched over a computer, typing feverishly;
thunder crashed, "J.T. Wenting" <> laughed madly, then wrote:

>> She need to borrow your office to get the hand-on work experiences for
>> SIX months in
>> Java: applet, servlet, JDBC, RMI, JSP, XML, IO, socket network, etc.
>> Web: Apache or other Web server, Tomcat, CGI/Perl, PerlDBI, etc.
>> Database: Oracle, PL/SQL, store procedures, trigger, DBA. etc.
>If she already has 10 years workexperience in the field, what is 6 more
>months going to do to get her accepted in a job?
>Someone with experience in related fields is usually accepted, though maybe
>on a lower initial payscale to cover crosstraining.

Believe me, he's right, at least based on my limited experience. (Puget Sound area).

The impression I get, and the explicit message I've been given numerous times, is that nobody is going to hire me in a Java-related job unless I have field experience, period.

And 'similar experience' is counting for zilch, absolute zero. The people who are doing the hiring don't seem to know what is or isn't similar, so either your experience is an exact match, or it is counted for zero.

And people just aren't offering 'lower initial payscale' opportunities. I'd be overjoyed to take such an opportunity, if I could find one.

I'm planning to do exactly the same thing this person is talking about, maybe with charitable organizations if I can find one. What I'll do for money in the meantime I have no idea.

It might well be that things aren't like that in the Netherlands. Maybe it's time for me to move to the Netherlands :^)

>> After six months solid working experiences, she will LEAVE. The only
>> requirement is she need
>> you (employer or supervisor) MUST give her GOOD reference.
>In other words, you want people to let her work for free on the condition
>that they agree beforehand to give her a good reference?
>Sounds like a bad deal...

I can't speak for the gentleman or his wife, but I would gladly enter an agreement like the one he's describing with anybody in the Puget Sound area.

I wouldn't ask for a 'gauranteed good reference', I would take whatever reference you felt was appropriate to my performance. I've really never done anything but excellent work, so I'm not too concerned with that.

I would need little or no training, and anything I did find that I was unfamiliar with I would train myself on my own time. I learn very quickly, it's unlikely that I would find anything that would need more than overnight training.

My only request would be that I be given the opportunity to help in projects which would help me demonstrate my knowledge. I'd be happy to take such work on on my own time, over and above any other duties.

Obviously though if all I get the opportunity to do is to run to the photocopier and do Starbuck's runs I haven't accomplished much :^)

Joe Cosby
Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by 
- Napoleon 
Sig by Kookie Jar 5.98d
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 19:18:45 CDT

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