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Re: Ways to list available tables?

From: KeyStroke (Jack L. Swayze Sr.) <KeyStrk_at_Feist.Com>
Date: 1998/12/10
Message-ID: <366F63D7.3E37AD64@Feist.Com>#1/1

Hopefully, you have access to User_Tables. If not, it is likely that you don't have access to any of the SYS owned tables.

Select table_name from user_tables order by table_name;

Also, you can try this:

Select owner, table_name from dba_tables order by owner, table_name;

However, the person you are describing is most likely an insecure control freak. People in DBA positions are almost always one of three things (I am in that type of position myself, so I also speak of myself):

  1. Idealists who like the theory and esoteric nature of database stuff
  2. Control freaks who think that knowledge is power and you don't deserve any power over THEIR database(s)
  3. Bit-Heads who are more interested in an 'efficient' machine, no matter whether it is getting profitable work done or not

Me, I am an 'A' - that's why I enjoy answering such questions for people I never see. It sounds like you have a 'B'

TNKS wrote:

> I'm an oracle user with a not-so-helpful database administrator. . .
> I'm trying to execute SQL statements to an account that she just set up for
> me, I've got a simple select statement showing me the data in a table I'm
> supposed to have access to, and the errors are as follows:
> SQL> @test
> SQL> set serveroutput on
> SQL> set echo on
> SQL> set feedback 20
> SQL>
> SQL> SELECT * from lotevents;
> SELECT * from lotevents
> *
> ERROR at line 1:
> ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
> SQL> /
> Does anybody know of a way a simple user like myself can query the database
> for all the tables I can see. . . otherwise I have to deal with a person
> (our DBA), who historically beats around the bush, and stalls progress.
> Thanks in advances. . . also, if you all could send response to my E-mail
> address as directed below, I'd greatlys appreciate it.
> --TNKS
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Received on Thu Dec 10 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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