Re: Streams Replication from 10g DB to 9i DB

From: ddf <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 12:07:41 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Oct 27, 4:33 pm, Ora_DBA <> wrote:
> Does Oracle 10g support streams replication from a source database
> (version 10g) to an Oracle 9i destination database ?
> Thanks in Advance

I seriously doubt that is a supported configuration, as datatypes unavailable for Streams replication in 9i are supported with 10g and later releases of Streams. I expect you won't be able to get it to work, and if you do kludge it to work it won't run without constant attention.

Is there a valid reason you can't migrate the 9i database to 10g?

David Fitzjarrell Received on Tue Oct 28 2008 - 14:07:41 CDT

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