Crash of OCIStmtExecute when binding to NULL

From: André Hartmann <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 16:10:00 +0200
Message-ID: <48245b38$0$7555$>

Hello everyone,

  we are currently migrating a software to use Oracle 10 client (OCI) instead of Oracle 9. A problem occurs that manifests itself in form of an application crash and we boiled it down to an OCI snippet which doesnt work anymore. Since I am puzzles I am posting it here, maybe I get some inspiration by you guys...

  I am posting the sample code further below but in a nut shell I am doing this:

  • Create a table ABC with a single int column.
  • Create and prepare a statement INSERT INTO ABC VALUES(:1).
  • Bind the :1 to a value, say 8. Execute the statement. Works wonderfully up until here
  • Bind the :1 of the same statement to NULL with the intention of inserting a NULL value into the table. No NOT NULL constraint is present.
  • Execute the statement again with the new bind --> crash!
  • I am using MS Dev Studio 2005, C++, and at the time of the crash the call stack is entirely messed up, no clue to the cause. The message will say: "Unhandled exception at <memory address> in <appl name>: 0xC0000005, Access vilation reading location 0x00000000.
  • The very same code used to run perfectly well under Ora9 OCI client.
  • The event occurs no matter what database server I use (9 or 10 have been tested).
  • The Ora Client is 10.2.0.x.
  • If I insert the NULL value first and then 8, it works fine. If I insert the NULL after the 8 with a new statement, not recycling the same prepared statement, it works fine as well!

  Thank you very much in advance,

PS: Here is the sample code. The statement that will crash has been marked with a comment.

    OCIEnv*     _ptrOCIEnvironment;
    OCIError*   _ptrOCIError;
    OCISvcCtx*  _ptrOCIServiceContext;

 OCIStmt* _ptrOCIStatement;
 sword swdReturnCode;
 std::string cmd;

    swdReturnCode = OCIEnvCreate(




(dvoid*) NULL,
(dvoid*(*) (dvoid*, size_t)) NULL,
(dvoid*(*) (dvoid*, dvoid*, size_t)) NULL,
(void(*) (dvoid*, dvoid*)) NULL,
(size_t) 0,
(dvoid**) NULL
    swdReturnCode = OCIHandleAlloc(

(CONST dvoid*) _ptrOCIEnvironment,
(dvoid **) &_ptrOCIError,
(size_t) 0,
(dvoid **) 0

    swdReturnCode = OCILogon(
                            (OCIEnv*)           _ptrOCIEnvironment,
                            (OCIError*)         _ptrOCIError,
                            (OCISvcCtx**)       &_ptrOCIServiceContext,
                            (unsigned char*)    user.c_str(),
                            (ub4)               strlen(user.c_str()),
                            (unsigned char*)    pwd.c_str(),
                            (ub4)               strlen(pwd.c_str()),
                            (unsigned char*)    url.c_str(),
                            (ub4)               strlen(url.c_str())

 swdReturnCode = OCIHandleAlloc(
          (dvoid *) _ptrOCIEnvironment, //environment handle
          (dvoid **) &_ptrOCIStatement,    //returned handle to the 
          (ub4)  OCI_HTYPE_STMT,     //type of the handle to allocate
          (size_t) 0,        //amount of user memory to be allocated
          (dvoid **) 0        //pointer to the user memory allocated.

 cmd = "drop table abc";

    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtPrepare(

          (OCIStmt*) _ptrOCIStatement, //handle to the statement that will be prepared

          (OCIError*)   _ptrOCIError, //error handle
          (CONST OraText*) cmd.c_str(),     //the SQL statement string
          (ub4)    strlen(cmd.c_str()),   //length of the statement string
          (ub4)    OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,    //syntax of the statement
          (ub4)    OCI_DEFAULT
    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtExecute(
          (OCISvcCtx*)   _ptrOCIServiceContext, //service context handle
          (OCIStmt*)    _ptrOCIStatement,     //statement handle
          (OCIError*)    _ptrOCIError,  //error handle
          (ub4)     1,        //the number of times this statement is 
          (ub4)     0,        //the starting index from which the data in an 
array bind is relevant for this multiple row execution
          (CONST OCISnapshot*) NULL,
          (OCISnapshot *)   NULL,
          (ub4)     OCI_DEFAULT

 cmd = "create table abc (a int)";

    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtPrepare(

          (OCIStmt*) _ptrOCIStatement, //handle to the statement that will be prepared

          (OCIError*)   _ptrOCIError, //error handle
          (CONST OraText*) cmd.c_str(),     //the SQL statement string
          (ub4)    strlen(cmd.c_str()),   //length of the statement string
          (ub4)    OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,    //syntax of the statement
          (ub4)    OCI_DEFAULT
    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtExecute(
          (OCISvcCtx*)   _ptrOCIServiceContext, //service context handle
          (OCIStmt*)    _ptrOCIStatement,     //statement handle
          (OCIError*)    _ptrOCIError,  //error handle
          (ub4)     1,        //the number of times this statement is 
          (ub4)     0,        //the starting index from which the data in an 
array bind is relevant for this multiple row execution
          (CONST OCISnapshot*) NULL,
          (OCISnapshot *)   NULL,
          (ub4)     OCI_DEFAULT


    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtPrepare(

          (OCIStmt*) _ptrOCIStatement, //handle to the statement that will be prepared

          (OCIError*)   _ptrOCIError, //error handle
          (CONST OraText*) cmd.c_str(),     //the SQL statement string
          (ub4)    strlen(cmd.c_str()),   //length of the statement string
          (ub4)    OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,    //syntax of the statement
          (ub4)    OCI_DEFAULT

    OCIBind* pBindHandle = NULL;
 double dbl = 8.0;

    swdReturnCode = OCIBindByPos (

        (OCIStmt*)      _ptrOCIStatement,
        (OCIBind**)     &pBindHandle,
        (OCIError*)     _ptrOCIError,
        (ub4)           1,
        (dvoid*)        &dbl,
        (sb4)           sizeof(double),
        (ub2)           SQLT_FLT,
        (dvoid*)        NULL,
        (ub2*)          NULL,
        (ub2*)          NULL,
        (ub4)           NULL,
        (ub4*)          NULL,
        (ub4)           OCI_DEFAULT

    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtExecute(
          (OCISvcCtx*)   _ptrOCIServiceContext, //service context handle
          (OCIStmt*)    _ptrOCIStatement,     //statement handle
          (OCIError*)    _ptrOCIError,  //error handle
          (ub4)     1,        //the number of times this statement is 
          (ub4)     0,        //the starting index from which the data in an 
array bind is relevant for this multiple row execution
          (CONST OCISnapshot*) NULL,
          (OCISnapshot *)   NULL,
          (ub4)     OCI_DEFAULT
    swdReturnCode = OCIBindByPos (
        (OCIStmt*)      _ptrOCIStatement,
        (OCIBind**)     &pBindHandle,
        (OCIError*)     _ptrOCIError,
        (ub4)           1,
        (dvoid*)        NULL,
        (sb4)           sizeof(double),
        (ub2)           SQLT_FLT,
        (dvoid*)        NULL,
        (ub2*)          NULL,
        (ub2*)          NULL,
        (ub4)           NULL,
        (ub4*)          NULL,
        (ub4)           OCI_DEFAULT

    swdReturnCode = OCIStmtExecute(
          (OCISvcCtx*)   _ptrOCIServiceContext, //service context handle
          (OCIStmt*)    _ptrOCIStatement,     //statement handle
          (OCIError*)    _ptrOCIError,  //error handle
          (ub4)     1,        //the number of times this statement is 
          (ub4)     0,        //the starting index from which the data in an 
array bind is relevant for this multiple row execution
          (CONST OCISnapshot*) NULL,
          (OCISnapshot *)   NULL,
          (ub4)     OCI_DEFAULT

    swdReturnCode = OCIHandleFree(
        (dvoid *) _ptrOCIStatement,
        (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_STMT

    OCILogoff(_ptrOCIServiceContext, _ptrOCIError);  OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) _ptrOCIError, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);  OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) _ptrOCIEnvironment, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ENV); Received on Fri May 09 2008 - 09:10:00 CDT

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